Why I Celebrate Samuel L. Jackson Day on 21 Dec Every Year…

Facebook Post from 21 Dec 2012
This note about a happy day popped up in my ‘this day in history’ type feed from Facebook, and I remember this day vividly. It was a great wintery day!

My girlfriend and I celebrate actor Samuel L. Jackson‘s birthday on this day, rather than the day my mom died nine years ago, but it’s hard to forget sad days.

I’d rather remember the happier days, but I realize that in remembering the bad times I create a palette of moments that makes all of those moments important in expressing how truly valuable is life.

Happy moments stand out, however brief they may be.

This is one reason why I love history so much! By studying what happened in the past I can see how all of these moments are connected — how they touch each other and ultimately lead us to the present moment. Right now.

Mom, I love you for being me my mom, and particularly for all of the happy moments you gave to me.

Happy Birthday, Samuel L. Jackson!

Happy December 21!

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